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Chief Software Developer and IT Researcher at the "Drappello Analisi e Studi della Sezione E-Government del Comando Generale della Guardia di Finanza" of Rome.
I'm technical writer for important Information Technology magazines such as ioProgrammo and programmazione.it and in the past I wrote articles for other magazines such as Linux Magazine and Computer Programming.
I am author for Apogeo Editore of several books about the main programming languages and web technologies.
I do lectures and seminars on programming languages.
I write prototypes of video games in Unity, just for fun!
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Experienced software developer, I love all c-like programming languages. I am currently developing mainly web and mobile applications, and I am strongly interested in developing video games, which I currently program in Unity. I also have a passion for writing programming books and in the past I have written many best-sellers for Apogeo.
Guardia di Finanza, Rome, IT
I currently lead a small team of software developers, defining, for the projects assigned to me, both the strictly design part and the more explicitly practical part, as well as contributing to the writing of the code, which I consider to be an absolutely essential activity and one I am very passionate about.
Guardia di Finanza, Rome, IT
I train staff who have to undertake the delicate and complex task of software developer, with a comprehensive course of learning the major programming languages and modern web application development techniques. Occasionally I also train external staff from other companies.
Guardia di Finanza, Rome, IT
As a member of the "Drappello Analisi e Studi della Sezione E-Government", I study and investigate all aspects of the varied and complex world of software development, with particular attention to the evolution of programming languages.
Apogeo Editore, Milan, IT
I write books on the most important programming languages for a major professional textbook publisher.
Guardia di Finanza, Rome, IT
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